Three NTUA students win Bronze Medals at SEEMOUS 2023

We are thrilled to announce that the NTUA team won three Bronze Medals at one of the most prestigious international Math Olympiad for first and second year university students, the SEEMOUS 2023.

The team representing the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in the competition was composed of four undergraduate students:

  • Konstantinos Kritharidis (ECE) : Bronze Medal
  • Dimitrios Minagias (ECE) : Bronze Medal
  • Anastasios Batategas (SAMPS) : Bronze Medal
  • Konstantinos Dimitriou (SAMPS)

This year, the 17th Mathematical Olympiad was hosted by the Union of Mathematicians of Macedonia and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics from Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, between 7 - 12 March, 2023, in Struga, North Macedonia.