IEEE JETCAS Special Issue on Unconventional Computing Techniques for Emerging Technology Applications - Guest Edited by Professor Pavlos P. Sotiriadis

Congratulations to Professor Pavlos P. Sotiriadis, of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA, for leading the Guest Editorial team of the recent IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS) Special Issue on Unconventional Computing Techniques for Emerging Technology Applications, and to ECE-NTUA recent Ph.D. graduate, Dr. Nikos Temenos for coordinating the effort.

The Special Issue was dedicated to the latest developments in the interdisciplinary field of unconventional computing, focused on three main directions: 1) Novel Techniques and Approaches in Unconventional Computing, 2) Circuits, Systems, and Architectures for Approximate and Stochastic Computing, and, 3) In- and Near-Memory Processing with an emphasis on Memristive Devices Utilization.

The announcement of the Special Issue created excitement in the international research community, attracting more than 70 high quality contributions. Of these, 36 were rigorously selected for the Special Issue. Research groups from major universities, research companies, and national research labs around the world contributed their latest research results. The following is a partial list of affiliations of the contributors:

Universities: Arizona State University, Bar-Ilan University, Concordia University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, McGill University, National Chung Hsing University, National Taiwan University, National Technical University of Athens, Northeastern University, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Texas A&M University, Politecnico di Torino, The George Washington University, Tohoku University, Tsinghua University, TU Wien, Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior, University of California San Diego, University of Edinburgh, University of Stuttgart, TU Dortmund, Washington University.

Major research companies: IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Intel Corporation.

National research labs: National Institute of Standards and Technology USA, NCSR Demokritos Greece

The IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS) is a premier journal of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. With a high Impact Factor (~5.9), JETCAS covers the entire field of interest of the theory, analysis, design, tools, and implementation of circuits and systems. This includes theoretical foundations, applications, and architectures, as well as the circuits and systems implementation of algorithms for signal and information processing. JETCAS has a particular focus on emerging areas in the field.

Relevant Links:

  1. Table of Contents

  1. Guest Editorial “Unconventional Computing Techniques for Emerging Technology Applications”

  1. IEEE Circuits and Systems Society