Enrique Matos Alfonso

Division of Computer Science

  •   gardero@image.ntua.gr
  •   +2107723040
  •   +2107722492
  •   Office 1.1.23, 1st Floor, Old Electrical and Comp. Engineering

Brief Biography

Enrique Matos Alfonso is a Computer Scientist graduated of the University of Havana, Cuba (with honors). He also has a Master degree from the European Master in Computational Logic that took place in TU Dresden and Freie Universität Bozen. In his carrier he has always been interested in Artificial Intelligence and Logic. He has published scientific papers related to those fields and he always pays attention to the link between the theoretical and practical worlds. Hence, besides caring about his scientific background he has also dedicated time and effort to learn how to develop software using different techniques and platforms. His education has allowed him successfully perform as a researcher, teacher and also as a software developer. He have worked and studied in different countries consequently he has been able to develop his communication skills in different languages. Additionally, he considers teamwork as the main tool to achieve big goals in every project. Currently, he is a PhD student in the National Technical University of Athens.

Research Interests

Artificial Intelligence, Logic


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