Σήματα και Συστήματα

Code 3.3.3173.3
Semester 3rd
Credits 5
Class Hours - Lab Hours 4 - 0
Lecturers Petros Maragos, Athanasios Rontogiannis, Ioanna Roussaki
Links Helios, Course's Website
Web Platform Class 1: Webex
Class 2:


Introduction to the main concepts of continuous- and discrete-time signals and systems. Signal convolution and correlation. Sampling of sinusoidal signals. Signal quantization. Introduction to random signals, correlation and quantization. Continuous-time Fourier transform. Sampling theorem. Discrete-time Fourier Transform. Analysis of linear time-invariant(LTI) systems in the time and frequency domain. Relationship between LTI systems and linear differential and difference equations in the continuous- and discrete-time, respectively. Use of the Laplace transform for the analysis of continuous-time systems. Use of the Z-transform for the analysis of discrete-time systems. Frequency response and transfer function of LTI systems. Stability of LTI systems. Introduction to the discrete Fourier transform. Applications of signals and systems.