
Latest news

Paper Award: The Nanjing City Prizes

The awarded paper relates to an on-going research which aims at exploring the application of new adaptive reinforcement robot learning schemes in scenarios that involve social interaction of robots with children facing autism-spectrum disorder (ASD) conditions.

24th October, 2018

Prometheus Team: Presentation Event

The «Prometheus» team presented the results of their participation in the European Energy Saving Competition Shell Eco-Marathon 2018 on Tuesday, October 2, 2018, at Amphitheater 4 of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA.

14th October, 2018

ENDORSE project

The overall objective of ENDORSE is to develop and validate a safe, efficient and integrated indoor robotic fleet for logistic applications in healthcare and commercial spaces.

8th October, 2018

Best Demo Award

The Best Demo Award of the Rule Challenge 2018 was awarded to Theodoros Mitsikas (PhD Candidate, ECE NTUA), Sofia Almpani (PhD Candidate, ECE NTUA), Assistant Professor Petros Stefaneas, Professor Panayiotis Frangos and Dr Iakovos Ouranos.

4th October, 2018

SPIN - Space Week

SPIN - Space Week is a series of actions that reinforce our vision for the development of the Space Sector in Greece.

2nd October, 2018

CanSat in Greece 2019

CanSat in Greece is being organised for the third consecutive year on a national level.

28th September, 2018


The overall aim is to deliver a radically new cost-effective virtual coach, consisting of a hologram based surrogate balance physiotherapist, an augmented reality cognitive game, combined with auditory exercises and a physical activity planner.

12th September, 2018

iDistributedPV project

iDistributedPV´s aim is developing affordable integrated solutions to enhance the penetration of distributed solar PV (e.g. households/larger buildings/park areas).

7th September, 2018