
Τελευταία νέα

New positions for PhD students at Ohio State University

Ph.D. Positions Available in the area of: “Wearable and Implantable Technologies”, including, but not limited to, antennas, circuits, sensors, stimulators, etc. under the supervision of Prof. Asimina Kiourti, ElectroScience Laboratory (ESL), Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), The Ohio State University (OSU)

9th September, 2016

"Prometheus" team awarded in Shell Eco Marathon 2016 competition

The research group "Prometheus", composed of volunteer students of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (ECE-NTUA) participated for eighth consecutive year in the internationally renowned European fuel economy competition Shell Eco-Marathon 2016, organized under the auspices of European Commission in London on July 1st – 3rd.

20th July, 2016

ESA Earth Observation Entrepreneurship Initiative now Open until 19 June 2016

The European Space Agency (ESA) is now inviting entrepreneurs to submit innovative ideas to the Open Call of the Earth Observation Entrepreneurship Initiative (EOEI). The initiative is looking for innovative business idea’s using Earth Observation data aiming to turn the grand challenges of our society, emerging business needs and advances in digital technologies into new growth opportunities for Europe.

31st May, 2016

Research project: Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer for Internal Body Temperature Measurements

The principal research target of the MMR-IBTM project was to develop low-cost arrangements with integrated passive microwave radiation monitoring function, which can be used as early warning and monitoring devices for sub-tissue abnormalities, such as initial stage breast cancer. In addition, a major business target of the MMR-IBTM project was to harmonically collaborate with a Chinese company by having complementary research and development competences, as well as by exchanging working methodologies and business mentality, and having as vision a future fruitful continuation of the cooperation, towards industrialization and productization of the project’s outcome.

31st May, 2016

WLDCL in European Space Agency's research project "Multi-Magnetometer Methods for Magnetic Dipole Modelling"

In various exploration missions, magnetometer-carrying spacecrafts aim to reveal the structural composition of planets and to study the complex interactions between the solar wind and the planetary environments. Magnetic field levels are usually extremely low making the need for “magnetically clean” spacecraft. . The aim of this project is to increase reproducibility of test results by a reduction of measurement sensitivity to environment variations occurring during the test. The activity shall strive in parallel also to reduce considerably required test time and necessary operator expertise.

31st May, 2016

European Research Ranking: ICCS among the top 200 European research institutions

Based on freely available data published by the European Commission, ResearchRanking.org provides innovative estimates on the funding and networking perfomance of European research institutions. According to ResearchRanking.org the Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) ranks in places 100-200 overall for 2015 and in the 4th place of Greek research institutes.

26th May, 2016

HeERO: preparing the field for the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call

HeERO focused on preparing the field for the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call service“eCall” based on 112/E112, the single European Emergency number. The main objectives of HeERO were to define operational and functional requirements needed to upgrade all eCall related service-chain parts (PSAPs-integrated rescue systems, telecommunication-112/E112, etc.) to handle eCall, to implement available Pan-European eCall related European standards and to implement needed technical and operational infrastructure upgrades in each participating country, to assess the operation of the installed PSAPs via a common certification procedure and to produce recommendations for future eCall pre-deployment and deployment activities in Europe.

26th May, 2016