Research project: Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer for Internal Body Temperature Measurements


  • NIKOLAOS & MARINOS LIVANOS OE – EMTECH; a Greek company involved in embedded systems and software design and development, manufacturing products for the domains of Energy Systems and Automations, Space and Ground Segment Software Applications, and Medical Devices.
  • Beijing Gk Huayi Technology Co., Ltd.; a Chinese company that focuses on high technology research, development and marketing of products targeting Medical and Food-Safety application fields.
  • Wireless and Long Distance Communications Laboratory (WLDCL) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), with domains of specialty the theoretical and experimental research on telecommunication topics, emphasizing on subjects such as Electromagnetic Compatibility, Antennas, Radiation Effects, Wireless Links and Propagation and Biotechnological issues.
  • Research and Development Electronics and Telecommunications Laboratory (R.D.E.T.L) of the Department of Electronics of the Technological & Educational Institute of Athens (TEI-A), having as principal interests: Simulation and experimental evaluation of RoF components (semiconductor lasers, optical fibres, photodetectors) in analogue/digital modulation techniques (DSB, SSB, M-QAM /OFDM, CDMA) and RoF links based on current and emerging wireless communication standards (WiFi, WiMAX , MB -OFDM)
  • MEDical Image and Signal Processing laboratory (MEDISP) of the Department of Medical Instruments Technology of the Technological & Educational Institute of Athens (TEI-A), involved in research and education of: Medical Signal and Image Processing, Medical Signal and Image Analysis - Pattern Recognition, Medical Informatics & Medical Statistics, Bioinformatics and computational biology.

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  • The project objectives were the following:
  • To carry out literature review (journals, patents, market, etc,) in order to establish a comprehensive database related to passive microwave processes for monitoring cancer
  • To investigate microwave radiometer technology for medical applications
  • To design, develop and prototype, single-channel, multi-frequency, as well as, multi-channel radiometer arrangements for medical applications
  • To research microwave imaging algorithms for representing sub-tissue temperature distribution, focused on breast tissues
  • To develop mathematical models for human breast tissue temperature distribution
  • To research and develop special materials for electromagnetic shielding and antenna-human tissue impedance matching
  • To perform experimentation & laboratory measurements using the developed prototype equipment
  • To define industrialization requirements regarding the transition form prototype equipment to end user products

Read the full story in the attached file.