HeERO: preparing the field for the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call
ICCS was the technical consultant to the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and has supported in the procurement and inspection of the hardware and software acquired for the eCall PSAP. ICCS has also supervised the evaluation activities, during which test eCalls were activated from the prefectures of Attika and Thessaloniki and has overviewed the calculation of the Key Performance Indicators, which were comparable to those of the other European countries. ICCS has also supported the Ministry in creating an action plan for the preparation of the infrastructure, operational procedures and legislation for the actual operation of the eCall service according to the EC directives.
HeERO Impact for ICCS / NTUA :
Via its participation in the project, ICCS has strengthened its role as technical consultant to the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks in issues relevant to eCall and ITS in general. This is crucial, since a key mission of ICCS is to consult and support the national authorities as regards strategies and policies relevant to important aspects of its field of activities. Apart from this, via this consultation ICCS has achieved to participate as a full partner in the current CED Transport project, I_HeERO, which is a continuation of HeERO aiming to harmonise eCall infrastructure at a European level. Also, the project has supported the research in eCall MSD decoding and inband modem development, which has started in the previous project eKLISI.
Publications (indicative)
- Papathanasopoulou, S., Papaspiliopoulos, P., Patsiavos, G., Margaritis, D., Stathakopoulos, A., Ayfantopoulou, G., Portouli, E., Amditis, A., Pagkle, K., Αικ. (2015). Pilot application of the emergency service eCall in Greece. 7th International Conference on Research in Transport, Athens, 5-6 November 2015
Contact: Dr. Angelos Amditis, ICCS