CROSSBOW project

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The Smart grids Research Unit (Smart RUE) of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA participates in CROSSBOW project.

CROSSBOW (CROSS BOrder management of variable renewable energies and storage units enabling a transnational Wholesale market) project, proposes the shared use of resources to foster cross-border management of variable renewable energies and storage units, enabling a higher penetration of clean energies whilst reducing network operational costs and improving economic benefits of clean energies and storage units.

The objective is to demonstrate a number of different, though complementary, technologies, offering the regional transmission network higher flexibility and robustness through:

a. A better control of exchange power at international interconnection points.

b. New energy storage solutions, distributed and centralized.

c. Better Communications and control.

d. The definition of a transnational wholesale market, proposing fair and sustainable remuneration for clean energies though the definition of new business models supporting the participation of new players and the reduction of costs.

CROSSBOW project is funded by the Research and Innovation Program of the European Commission, Horizon2020, and is currently one of the most relevant innovation project of the European Union in the Smart Grids sector.

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