2018 Diploma Award Ceremony @ ECE-NTUA
We are pleased to announce that the 2018 Diploma Award Ceremony for the graduate students of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA was held in three parts scheduled for July 9, 10 and 11, 2019. The events took place at the Ceremonial Hall of the NTUA Central Administration Building and were attended by 315 graduate students, receiving their Diplomas, along with their families, friends, and Professors.
In a joyful and celebratory atmosphere, during the first ceremony, on July 9, the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and Administration, Professor Marinos Kavouras, and the Dean of the School, Professor Nectarios Koziris, delivered the ceremonial speeches and wished the students luck and success. During this ceremony, the School honored with the ECE 2018 Excellence Awards the three graduate students with the highest GPA. For 2018, the recipients are:
- Kandiros Anthimos-Vardis, awarded the Tzafestas Award, with GPA of 9.94/10.00
- Nikolakopoulos Vasileios, awarded the Halkias Award, with GPA of 9.54/10.00
- Leontaris Christos, awarded the Kontaxis Award, with GPA of 9.58/10.00
The three Excellence Awards have been established by the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA and the Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the NTUA to honor the memory of three distinguished scientists and Professors of the School, Spyros Tzafestas, Christos Halkias and George Kontaxis, who have passed away. In this year’s award ceremony, the awards were delivered by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Administration, Prof. Marinos Kavouras, the Dean of the School, Prof. Nectarios Koziris, the Director of the ICCS-NTUA, Prof. Emeritus Yannis Vasiliou, Prof. Costas Vournas and Ass. Prof. Costas Tzafestas.
In an emotional speech, Prof. Nectarios Koziris, Dean of the School, spoke about the long history of the School, its academic and research impact in both fundamental and applied research and its performance during the years. The Dean’s speech focused on the value of the School's curriculum and the diplomas for the academic community, research and society. As he said, the great value of the School is proved every year and endorsed by university rankings, international collaborations, the excellence of its students and the professional successes of its graduates. Moreover, Prof. Koziris congratulated the graduates and referred to the efforts and sacrifices of their families. Finally, he wished the graduates success in their endeavors and encouraged them to continue using their critical spirit and humility.
The next two ceremonies took place on July 10th and 11th 2019 in the presence of representatives of the academic community who presented the diplomas and many more distinguished academics.