ECE-NTUA among the best in the QS World University Rankings
The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA is among the best ECE Schools worldwide according to QS World University Rankings for the year 2020.
In the subject of “Engineering Electrical and Electronic”, ECE-NTUA is ranked 51st in the world (51-100), among 1251 University Schools evaluated, that is in the top 4-8% worldwide. In Europe, ECE-NTUA is ranked 17th (17-31) and 1st among the three ECE Schools in Greece that fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in the QS World University Rankings, followed by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (151-200) and the University of Patras (201-250).
In the subject of “Computer Science and Information Technology”, ECE-NTUA is ranked 101st in the world (101-150), among 1502 Schools, that is in the top 7-10% worldwide. ECE-NTUA is ranked 33rd in Europe (33-56) and is the top School in the subject of Computer Science in Greece. In this subject, also included from Greece are: the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (151-200), the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (251-300), the University of Patras (251-300), the Athens University of Economics and Business (351-400), the University of Crete (501-550) and the Technical University of Crete (501-550).
ECE-NTUA is the only School in Greece that is included in a top place in the ranking of both “Engineering Electrical and Electronic” and “Computer Science and Information Technology”.
In 2020, over 4700 universities with 13138 individual university programs in 48 different subjects were assessed and ranked for the QS-Top Universities / World Rankings.
In the subject of Electrical Engineering, ECE-NTUA is in the same place (51-100), Columbia University (USA), New York University (USA), University of Pennsylvania (USA), Yale University (USA), McGill University (Canada), Kyoto University (Japan), Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands), KU Leuven (Belgium), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Lund University (Sweden), Technical University of Denmark (Denmark) and Technische Universitaet Dresden (Germany). In the subject of Computer Science, other institutions that are featured in the same place (101-150) include: Aalto University (Finland), Centrale Supelec (France), London School of Economics (UK), Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (Israel), Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin (Germany), Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), Pennsylvania State University (USA) and Michigan State University (USA).
QS World University Rankings (by subject) are created by evaluating the following parameters: academic reputation, reputation among employers, research citations per paper and the H-Index, which measures the number and impact of research publications and undergraduate or graduate programs on the subject of evaluation.