The 1st CALIPER Press Release has been announced
The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA participates in the CALIPER Project, funded by the European Union’s Research and Innovation Framework Programme Horizon 2020, with a duration of four years (January 2020 - December 2023).
The project’s main goal is to enhance gender equality in Research Performing Organisations (RPO’s) and Research Financing Organisations (RFO’s) through the realization of the European Research Area (ERA) objectives:
• Increase the involvement of young women in Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) research,
• Enhance female researchers career prospects,
• Solidify the gender dimension in research and innovation.
The ECE School is one of the nine pilots of the CALIPER project, supported by the project in the implementation and development of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs).
The School will implement an internal and external gender equality assessment, in order to develop a tailor made GEP. The GEP will support organizational change resulting in gender equality policies, improved procedures and sustainable structural changes, for a more gender balanced environment. The GEP will be implemented and its results will be evaluated for further improvement and/or revision. Within this framework outreach activities will be orchestrated to promote synergies and influence both the internal environment and the innovation ecosystem of the School. Additionally, CALIPER will adopt an intersectional approach to gender equality issues, considering the ways gender inequalities are linked to and intersected with other forms of discrimination.
It’s expected that CALIPER will encourage women’s engagement with higher management and decision-making roles in research and the business field of STEM. In addition, the project is going to influence both the internal environment and the existing external ecosystem in order to welcome gender equality designs.
Apart from the ECE School, eight more organisations (6 RPO’s and 2 RFO’s) are also pilot beneficiaries of the CALIPER project. The pilots cover a wide geographical area across Europe (South and Central Europe, Balkans and Baltic countries). The project’s Consortium further features two SMEs and a pan-European Professional Association to support the project through project coordination, scientific and technical support, monitoring/evaluation and dissemination activities.
More information on CALIPER is available at: CALIPER Website