Open Problems in Mathematics - John Nash & Michail Rassias, Editors
About the Book
The goal in putting together this unique compilation was to present the current status of the solutions to some of the most essential open problems in pure and applied mathematics. Emphasis is also given to problems in interdisciplinary research for which mathematics plays a key role. This volume comprises highly selected contributions by some of the most eminent mathematicians in the international mathematical community on longstanding problems in very active domains of mathematical research. A joint preface by the two volume editors is followed by a personal farewell to John F. Nash, Jr. written by Michael Th. Rassias. An introduction by Mikhail Gromov highlights some of Nash’s legendary mathematical achievements.
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Open Problems in Mathematics with John Nash: An Unconventional and Creative Collaboration, an article by Michael Th. Rassias
An interview of Michael Rassias in Greek newspaper "LiFO" (in Greek)
Michael Th. Rassias homepage at University of Zürich