International Mathematics Competition for University Students (IMC) 2016

In this year's International Mathematics Competition for University Students, which was held in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, from the 26th till the 31st of July, the students of National Technical University of Athens won three silver medals and two honourable mentions as follows:

  1. Mouzakis Nikolaos ECE Silver Medal (lost the gold medal for one point)
  2. Diamantidis Dimitrios School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Science Silver medal
  3. Kandiros Anthimos-Vardis ECE Silver Medal
  4. Mousa Giorgos ECE Honourable Mention
  5. Souliotis Thomas ECE Honourable Mention
  6. Birmpilis Stavros ECE Certificate

Moreover, Kandiros Anthimos-Vardis was awarded the Special Award for Fair Play and Personal Honesty. Congratulations to all of our students for their distinctions, which reflect the quality of the educational and research work done at NTUA.

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