NTUA team win Three Medals at SEEMOUS 2021
The recently announced results of the 2021 Seemous, the challenging annual mathematical Olympiad for first and second-year university students, represented three medals for NTUA students.
This year’s edition of SEEMOUS was organized by the Cyprus Mathematical Society, under the auspices of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth of Cyprus, between 19-24 July 2021 in Agros, Cyprus.
The four members of the NTUA team that competed in the mathematical competition won three medals as follows:
- Miliori Eirini (ECE-NTUA): SILVER MEDAL
- Charalampopoulos Andreas (ECE-NTUA): BRONZE MEDAL
- Tzachristas Ioannis (ECE-NTUA): BRONZE MEDAL
It is worth mentioning that the four-member NTUA team was formed following a selection competition on 20 March 2021, organized by the Department of Mathematics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.