Paper by ECE-NTUA Ph.D. candidates V. Alimisis and C.Dimas, Diploma Student M. Gourdouparis and Prof. P. P. Sotiriadis receives the Best Paper Award in the IEEE SBCCI 2021
We are pleased to announce that the paper entitled "A 0.6V , 3.3nW, Adjustable Gaussian Circuit for Tunable Kernel Functions" received the Best Paper Award in the IEEE 34th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI 2021) that was held virtually on August 23 to 27, 2021.
The award-winning paper was co-authored by Vassilis Alimisis (Ph.D. candidate, ECE NTUA), Marios Gourdouparis (Diploma Student, ECE NTUA) Christos Dimas (Ph.D. candidate, ECE NTUA) and Paul P. Sotiriadis (Professor, ECE NTUA).
ABSTRACT: This work introduces a compact, ultra-low power (3.3nW) Gaussian circuit architecture for Kernel function emulation. It has independent and electronically adjustable mean value, amplitude and deviation, operating with 0.6V power supply. It consists of a current correlator and a bulk-controlled differential block, with all transistors operating in sub-threshold. Proper operation, accuracy and sensitivity are confirmed via post-layout simulation results and theoretical analysis. It was implemented in TSMC 90nm CMOS process and simulated using the Cadence IC Suite.