RESEARCHERS’ NIGHT AT NTUA : Friday, September 24th, 2021
The National Technical University of Athens organizes Researchers’ Night on Friday, September 24th 2021, for the eighth consecutive year, with the aim to re-invent the connection between Academia and Society by inviting the general public to meet hundreds of researchers presenting cutting edge technologies through interactive experiments and games.
This year, NTUA will be live-streaming Researchers’ Night through its Youtube channel from early at 8 o’clock in the morning until late at night on the last Friday of September 2021.
The opening tele-Ceremony will be broadcasted live from the emblematic Averof building at the Patission historic complex, followed by the live-streaming of more than two hundred short videos from the participating Research Teams of the National Technical University of Athens, the Universities of Athens, Research Centers, schools, collaborating research and educational teams and sponsors.
All the material will be available both on the Youtube channel and on the website
This year, emphasis will be given to research actions to address the challenges of climate change and environmental degradation under the objectives of the European Green Deal for sustainable development with social cohesion.
NTUA Researcher's Night aims at the future: the passage of research in society, the creation of jobs of the scientific potential, the support of young entrepreneurship, as well as start-ups of innovation in the real economy.