Laboratory of Lighting of ECE-NTUA: Short description of the new lighting system for the streets and squares of Athens Municipality
The renovation of the lighting system of the streets and squares of Athens Municipality will be carried out by the replacement of more than 44 thousands of the existing luminaires with LED luminaires.
The control of the system will be realized using wireless IoT technologies. The luminaires will communicate with the server through mobile phone network.
Four (4) operation scenarios were developed from which the Municipality will select the most suitable for its needs.
In each scenario, lighting will be adapted to the visual needs of road users under reduced traffic volumes during certain periods of night. Therefore, lighting will be adjusted automatically according to the conditions.
Presence or moving sensors will adapt the lighting intensity of the luminaires according to the presence or movement of pedestrians in squares and pedestrian areas.
The current energy consumption of the lighting network is about 36 GWh/y. The cost of that electricity is about 5.3 M€/y. After the installation of the new lighting system, the energy consumption will be reduced to 7.5 GWh/y if the more efficient scenario were approved. The respective cost will be reduced to 1.1 M€/y. Therefore the energy saving is estimated at the level of 80%.
The maintenance cost of the lighting network will be reduced from 300 k€/y to 86 k€/y.
For the protection of the environment and of the health of the citizens, a warm colour of the LEDs was selected (3000 K). The suggested technical requirements for the light emission of the luminaires will ensure a minimized light pollution and, therefore, the protection of the night environment and of the night sky.
The lighting design of more than 3500 streets, roads and squares of Athens Municipality (more than 6500 typical lighting design cases) as well as the respective techno-economical study and the determination of the technical requirements of the equipment were performed by the Laboratory of Lighting of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National Technical University of Athens.
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