Gender Equality Plan of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA
The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens has developed a two-year Gender Equality Plan (covering the academic years 2021-2022, 2022-2023).
The plan includes a series of internal actions aimed at addressing a number of gender-related issues, such as the collection of gendered data, work-life balance, and awareness raising. In addition, it includes a number of collaborative actions involving external stakeholders (organisations and individuals).
Briefly, the internal actions of the plan are:
- The setting of internal targets on the representation of women
- Establishment of formal procedures to handle incidents of bias and sexist behaviour in the working environment
- Development of a framework for working conditions of researchers in the ECE-NTUA School
- Establishment of a Gender Equality Office
- Collection of gender disaggregated data
- Supporting the application of the “Guide of using non-sexist language in administrative documents”
- Set targets and indicators for the inclusion of the gender dimension in research output
- Integration of gender-related topics in selected courses and lectures
- Seminar on gender topics for students
- Including a gender dimension in the new Alumni Network
- Establishment of a formal mechanism dealing with cases of sexual harassment and gender violence
- Collection of data on Intersectionality
Additionally, the collaborative actions include:
- Engagement of Role models and dissemination activities
- Creation of a “Women in STEM” network
- ECE-NTUA Open Days
- Information Days and Training Workshops on gender issues in STEM
- Women in Innovation (WIN) event
The Gender Equality Plan of ECE NTUA can be found below:
The School was supported during the development of the plan by the CALIPER - Gender Equality in STEM Research project (Horizon 2020).
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 873134.