Gender Equality Plan of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens has developed a two-year Gender Equality Plan (covering the academic years 2021-2022, 2022-2023).

The plan includes a series of internal actions aimed at addressing a number of gender-related issues, such as the collection of gendered data, work-life balance, and awareness raising. In addition, it includes a number of collaborative actions involving external stakeholders (organisations and individuals).

Briefly, the internal actions of the plan are:

  1. The setting of internal targets on the representation of women
  2. Establishment of formal procedures to handle incidents of bias and sexist behaviour in the working environment
  3. Development of a framework for working conditions of researchers in the ECE-NTUA School
  4. Establishment of a Gender Equality Office
  5. Collection of gender disaggregated data
  6. Supporting the application of the “Guide of using non-sexist language in administrative documents”
  7. Set targets and indicators for the inclusion of the gender dimension in research output
  8. Integration of gender-related topics in selected courses and lectures
  9. Seminar on gender topics for students
  10. Including a gender dimension in the new Alumni Network
  11. Establishment of a formal mechanism dealing with cases of sexual harassment and gender violence
  12. Collection of data on Intersectionality

Additionally, the collaborative actions include:

  1. Engagement of Role models and dissemination activities
  2. Creation of a “Women in STEM” network
  3. ECE-NTUA Open Days
  4. Information Days and Training Workshops on gender issues in STEM
  5. Women in Innovation (WIN) event

The Gender Equality Plan of ECE NTUA can be found below:

Updated GEP 2021-2023

The School was supported during the development of the plan by the CALIPER - Gender Equality in STEM Research project (Horizon 2020).

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 873134.