APEX – Smart Management Hub of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency
Smart RUE (Smart grids Research Unit of the Electrical and Computer Engineering School of the NTUA) coordinates the national research program ‘APEX – Smart Management Hub of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency’ which aims to raise the environmental awareness among students and teachers in the secondary education level. Main goal is to organise school visits in which terms such as climate change, energy efficiency, environmental policy, energy transition and renewable sources of energy will be discussed in class. Additionally, a microgrid with PV panels, wind turbine, batteries and loads will be installed in two greek schools. The program serves educational purposes and is funded from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (https://www.elidek.gr/en/homepage/).
In the following link you can find the interview of the members of the team to the Hellenic news channel ERT: https://www.youtube.com/embed/fqdh6wqXG7A
More information about the program can be found on its website and its communication channels: