WiseGRID - Wide scale demonstration of Integrated Solutions and business models for European smartGRID

WiseGRID integrates, demonstrates and validates advanced ICT services and systems in the energy distribution grid in order to provide secure, sustainable and flexible smart grids and give more power to the European energy consumer. The project will combine an enhanced use of storage technologies, a highly increased share of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and the integration of charging infrastructure to favor the large-scale deployment of electric vehicles. It will place citizens at the center of the transformation of the grid.

The project goes beyond empowering prosumers. On top of having a consumer-centric approach, it will make a difference in the market by delivering tools that facilitate the creation of a healthy, open market where not only ‘traditional’ utilities but also players such as electric cooperatives and small and medium-sized enterprises can play an active role, contributing therefore effectively to the transition to energy democracy.

WiseGRID follows European Commission's ambition to put the consumer back at the center of the energy system, to promote and support sustainable energy communities. WiseGRID integrated solution will be demonstrated and evaluated under real life conditions in 4 large scale demonstrators - in Belgium, Italy, Spain and Greece - under different technical, climatological, regulatory, legislative and social conditions.

Demonstration sites will involve more than 1700 users, 60 batteries - totaling more than 300KWh of installed capacity-, 50 heat pumps – totaling more than 160kWh of installed capacity-, 180 EV, 40 charging stations and more than 70MWh of RES –PV, Wind Turbines and Hydro

WiseGRID will follow 4 strategic goals:

1.Put the consumer at the center

Innovative and advanced demand-response mechanisms

• Allowing active participation, protection and empowerment of the European consumers and prosumers

• Sustainable business models and regulatory recommendations, based on different technologies (smart metering, smart home appliances, batteries, electric vehicles, etc.) to create a win-win situation for both grid and consumers

2.Protect the Grid

Smartening the distribution grid

• Technologies and methods to gain advanced monitoring and awareness of variable generation

• Integration of Virtual Power Plants and microgrids as active balancing assets

3.Strenghten the energy system

Integration of renewable energy storage systems in the network

• Help plan the market deployment of renewable storage systems, such as batteries or heat accumulators, manage and balance the network optimally, responding better to changes in demand and reducing at the same time losses in distribution

• Evaluate the impact the deployment of these storage systems

4.Include innovative services

Deployment of electric mobility services

• Smart integration of electric mobility services for charging, providing storage capacity or to supply electricity to the grid, including the possible use of their batteries as storage systems or VPPs

Project overview

For more information please contact at NTUA:

Professor G. Korres, Tel. +30 210 7723621, Email address: gkorres@softlab.ece.ntua.gr

One of the 4 pilot sites is Kythnos

Kythnos is an island and a municipality in the Western Cyclades with a population of 1 632 people. Kythnos has a thermal installed capacity of 4 966 MW with a peak power consumption of 2.7 MW. It has 3 MV distribution lines. Kythnos was the site for the first European PV plant installation.


BYES (France), ENG (Italy), CRE (Romania), ASM (Italy), ECO (Belgium), ENER (Spain), HYP (Greece), AMP (Spain), ITE (Spain), HEDNO (Greece), ICCS/NTUA (Greece), AUEB (Greece), RESC (Belgium), VS (Germany), QMUL (UK), EMOT (Italy), PARTA (Belgium), AEA (Greece), EPA (Greece), AENOR (Spain).