Prof. Constantinos Valagiannopoulos named APS Outstanding Referee for 2025
The American Physical Society (APS) has selected a limited number of Outstanding Referees for 2025 that have demonstrated exceptional work in the assessment of manuscripts published in the Physical Review journals. Constantinos Valagiannopoulos, Assistant Professor from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens is among these.
Instituted in 2008, the highly selective Outstanding Referee program annually recognizes approximately 150 of the currently active referees for their invaluable work. An all-time total of 3000 scientists from over 90000 active APS reviewers have made it to such a list. Comparable to Fellowship in the APS and other organizations (IEEE, Optica, URSI), this is a lifetime award. Posting of new awardees takes place in late February 2025.
Prof. Valagiannopoulos is the first scientist from the National Technical University of Athens and only the tenth from Greek academic institutes, that has been included to that ultra-selective list.