Brief Biography
Panos Kotsampopoulos received the diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from
the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2010, and his PhD degree on
distributed energy resources from the same school in 2017. He also graduated from the
School of Education of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2020. He is now
Principal Researcher of ICCS in the field of Smart Grids. He is member of the Smart RUE
research group of ICCS-NTUA, since 2009. He was guest researcher at the Austrian Institute
of Technology (AIT) in 2012 and 2013. Since 2010 he is responsible for the development of
the hardware infrastructure of the Electric Energy Systems Laboratory of ICCS-NTUA, leading
to significant equipment and capability upgrades. He has particularly developed the Power
Hardware in the Loop (PHIL) laboratory environment for testing inverters of distributed
energy resources in 2011, which was one of the first in Europe at that time. The laboratory
is founding member of the DERlab association, together with the most important
laboratories from Germany, UK, Netherlands, Austria, USA etc. He is representing ICCS-
NTUA at the DERlab association. He was also responsible for the supervision of dozens of
European and other researchers who have visited the lab for conducting experiments in the
framework of EU research projects (DERri, ERIGrid, ERIGrid 2.0).
He has participated in many research projects funded by the European Commission,
national bodies and the Greek Distribution System Operator (HEDNO). He coordinated the
H2020 EU-India proposal RE-EMPOWERED (scored 15/15) and he is currently coordinating
the European partners of this project. He was coordinator of the national project APEX
(Smart Management Hub of Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency), which was
funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. In the last 8 years he has
represented ICCS and NTUA in 8 successful funding proposals.
He serves as an Adjunct Lecturer for the course “Power System Analysis (Asymmetrical and
Transient State)” at ECE-NTUA since the academic year 2020-2021. For this course, he has
developed original laboratory exercises, providing hands-on experience in the topics of distributed
energy resources and microgrids. He was an Academic Scholar at ECE-NTUA for
teaching the course “Introduction to Electric Energy Systems” in the academic years 2019-
2020 and 2020-2021. He has been involved in the courses of “Distributed Energy Resources”
and “Digitalization of Energy” of the NTUA multi-disciplinary Postgraduate Diploma of
“Energy Production and Management”.
He was member of several IEEE Task Forces. He is chair of the IEEE PES Task Force on
“Innovative teaching methods for modern power and energy systems”. He is chapter co-
Leader of the IEEE Working Group P2004 “Recommended Practice for Hardware-in-the-Loop
Simulation Based Testing of Electric Power Apparatus and Controls” (IEEE Standards
Association) and has served as member of the BRIDGE secretariat for the Task Force on
“Energy Communities & self-consumption”. He was member of CIGRE C6.28 Working Group
“Hybrid Systems for Off Grid Power Supply”. He is chair of the IEEE Greece Section Young
Professionals Affinity Group.
He is Editor of the “IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy” and member of the
Editorial Board of the journal “Energies”. He has been Guest Editor of 7 Special Issues at
scientific journals. He has served as an expert in the evaluation of research proposals for the
Nordic Grand Solutions Programme of Nordic Energy Research. He received the 2020 Best
Paper Award of the “IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy”. He is editor of 1 Book,
author/co-author of 36 scientific journal articles, 9 book chapters, 1 IEEE PES and 1 CIGRE
Technical Report and 37 conference papers accepted after review (as of March 2024). He
has delivered more than 50 invited lectures, webinars and panel presentations at
He is co-founder of the energy community “Collective Energy” (COEN). He is Senior
Member of IEEE, member of CIGRE and the Technical Chamber of Greece.
Research Interests
His research interests include control of distributed energy resources, real-time simulation, power system dynamics, microgrids and engineering education.