Natasa Sofou

Division of Computer Science

  •   +30-210-7723037
  •   +30-210-7722492
  •   Office 1.1.24, 1st Floor, Old Electrical and Comp. Engineering

Brief Biography

Dr. Natasa Sofou is a senior researcher at the Intelligent Systems, Content and Interaction Laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens. She is a graduate of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She received her MSc in Advanced Computing from the Computer Science Department, University of Bristol, UK, and her PhD in Morphological Image Segmentation from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NTUA. Her research interests lie in the areas of Image Analysis, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence. She has participated in various cultural heritage projects and she is currently active in Europeana related projects dealing with aggregation, management and creative reuse of digital content.

Research Interests

Image analysis, Computer vision, Artificial intelligence


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