Brief Biography
Since September 2021, Irene Kilanioti has been working as Teaching Laboratory Staff at NTUA, Division of Communication, Electronic and Information Engineering of ECE.
She received her B.Sc. degree from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, and her M.Sc. degree in Advanced Information Systems (best student award) from the same Department. She received after evaluation one of the three scholarships of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation for Ph.D. abroad during years 2012-2015. She received her Ph.D. (2016) entitled “Improving Content Delivery with OSN-Awareness” from the Department of Computer Science of the public University of Cyprus (supervised by Professor G.A.Papadopoulos). She has been a PostDoc researcher with the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich (2018, 2019) (Professor Dr. C. Böhm) and was accepted after evaluation at the Mentoring Programme of the LMU.
She has worked as an informatics teacher in Greece and Germany. She has also served from other seconded positions (National School of Public Administration, Information Society Office of the Greek Ministry of Education), as a software engineer in a telecommunications company (Vodafone, Enterprise Systems Development Department) and a teaching assistant in tertiary education (Design and Use of Database Systems, Professor Y. Ioannidis, NKUA, Information-theoretic Data Mining, Professor Dr. C. Böhm, LMU).
She has publications in peer-reviewed conferences, journals and books. With her work entitled “An efficient storage scheme for Sustainable Development Goals data over distributed knowledge graph stores” she received the best paper award in the 13th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graph 2022, that was held on 30 November – 1 December, 2022 in Orlando, FL, USA. She has been vice-coordinator for the use case “Delivering Social Multimedia Content with Scalability”, WG1, and trainer for the EU cost action cHiPSet High-Performance Modeling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (2017-2019). She is an Editor for the journal Frontiers in Digital Education.
She holds a translator diploma (Institute of Linguists, London) and has completed two-year studies at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (Erlangen) for the licensure (Lehramt) for teaching informatics at german high schools (Gymnasien). She speaks English and German fluently (teaching license for both languages). She is a member of the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber.
Research Interests
Publications LinkCourses
- Queuing Systems (Undergraduate - 6th Semester)
- Social Network Analysis (Undergraduate - 9th Semester)