ECE-NTUA students win two medals at SEEMOUS 2024
Ioannis Mavrikos is the third student in the row from left to right, Michail Prousalidis is the first student in the row from left to right
We are thrilled to announce that two undergraduate ECE-NTUA students won two medals at SEEMOUS 2024 as follows:
- Ioannis Mavrikos : Silver Medal
- Michail Prousalidis : Bronze Medal
This year, the 18th Mathematical Olympiad was hosted by the “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iași - Department of Mathematics and Informatics, between 9 - 14 April, 2024.
"We are very proud of the two outstanding ECE students and their performance, which reflects our commitment to a culture of excellence” says Prof. PanayiotisTsanakas, Dean of the School of ECE at the NTUA.
See the final results of SEEMOUS 2024.
The South Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad for University Students with International Participation (SEEMOUS) was launched in 2007 by the Mathematical Society of South Eastern Europe.
According to the official site of the contest, the aims of the SEEMOUS include:
- The challenging, encouragement and development of mathematically gifted higher education students in all participating institutions and corresponding countries;
- The fostering of friendly relationships among higher education students and educators of the participating institutions;
- The creation of opportunities for the exchange of information on higher education syllabi and the development of partnerships and networks between the participating institutions;
- The development of young researchers in mathematics and its applications.