Optical Science and Engineering
Code | 3.1.3356.6 |
Semester | 6th |
Flow | T - Electromagnetic Waves and Telecommunication |
Category | Obligatory by selection |
Credits | 4 |
Class Hours - Lab Hours | 3 - 0 |
Lecturers | Elias Glytsis |
Review of applications of optical science and technology. Introduction to optical sources: blackbody radiator, line sources, light emitting diodes (LED), lasers. Spatial and temporal coherence of light sources. Elements of Radiometry and Photometry. Geometrical Optics: Image formation, paraxial optics. Optical components, thin and thick lenses, prisms, optical beam dividers. Matrix theory ABCD of optical systems. Cardinal points/planes of an optical system. Introduction to photographic camera. Microscope and telescope. Aberrations in optical systems, monochromatic and polychromatic. Wave and electromagnetic optics: Polarized light, reflection and refraction, Brewster's angle. Wave interference, constructive and destructive interfe-rence. Fabry-Perot and Michelson interferometers. Scalar theory of diffraction. Rayleigh-Sommerfeld, Fresnel and Faunhofer diffraction regimes. Cornu spiral, Fresnel zone plates. Diffraction gratings. Optics of Transformations: optical Fourier transforms, holograms, optical data processing, pattern recognition, image enhancement, optical memories. Light and matter interactions: Birefringence, electro-optic, magneto-optic and acousto-optic devices.