Brief Biography
Elias N. Glytsis received his undergraduate diploma from National Technical University of Athens (Greece) in Electrical Engineering in 1982, and his MSEE and PhD. degrees from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1984 and 1987 respectively. From January 1988 till June 2003 he served as a Professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Georgia Institute of Technology (starting from the rank of Assistant Professor and getting promoted to the rank of Professor with tenure in July 2000). In July 2003 he joined the faculty at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of National Technical University of Athens in Greece at the rank of a tenured Professor. Professor Glytsis' research interests are in electromagnetic theory of holographic and diffractive and in general photonic structures and devices, optical interconnections, fiber grating devices, integrated optics, generalized anisotropic materials and applications, numerical methods in electromagnetic and optics, electromagnetic structures in electric power transmission, quantum heterostructures based on optical analogies, and design-optimization-integration software. He has published 115 journal publications, 2 book chapters, and 95 conference papers and he has 17 U.S. patents. According to the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI or Web of Science) he has over 2950 citations (April 2017) of his publications and an h-index = 31 (Hirsch index). He has been Co-guest editor of two special issues of the Optical Society of America A on grating diffraction. He has been a Topical editor of the Journal of Optical Society of America A on Scattering and Grating Diffraction 1992-1997. He has also been a guest editor of the Microelectronics Journal of a special issue on quasibound states in quantum heterostructure devices. Dr. Glytsis is a senior member of IEEE, a Fellow of the Optical Society of America, a member of Optics and Photonics Society, a member of EURATOM-Hellenic Republic, and a member of the Greek Society of Professional Engineers.
Research Interests
Electromagnetic theory of holographic and diffractive and in general photonic structures and devices, optical interconnections, fiber grating devices, integrated optics, generalized anisotropic materials and applications, numerical methods in electromagnetic and optics, electromagnetic structures in electric power transmission, quantum heterostructures based on optical analogies, and design-optimization-integration software.
- Electromagnetic Fields I (Undergraduate - 4th Semester)
- Electromagnetic Fields II (Undergraduate - 5th Semester)
- Optical Science and Engineering (Undergraduate - 6th Semester)
- Electro-Optics and Applications (Graduate - Fall Semester)
- Integrated Optics (Graduate - Fall Semester)