
Latest news

Deep Space Optical Satellite Communications

Radio & Satellite Communications Group of ECE-NTUA, led by Associate Professor Athanasios D. Panagopoulos, has participated with success in the European Space Agency’s Funded Project: Deep Space Optical Link Budget SW Tool.

3rd January, 2020

Workshop on Industry 4.0 @ NTUA

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the NTUA in cooperation with experts of Siemens and the IEEE NTUA SB organized a workshop with the topic “Industry 4.0” on December 13, 2019. The workshop was a major success and the participants enjoyed the interactive workshop.

18th December, 2019

TERAWAY project

TERAWAY is a H2020 5GPPP Phase III project funded by the European Union coming as a technology intensive project aiming to develop a disruptive generation of THz transceivers for high-capacity BH and FH links in 5G networks.

16th December, 2019

Co-creating the new policies addressing the climate crisis

On November 21, 2019, the 1st Stakeholder Council Workshop for climate policies was held in Brussels with particular success, in the frame of the European level initiative “PARIS REINFORCE” towards the achievement of the Paris Agreement.

28th November, 2019