IEEE Xplore Seminar
IEEE in collaboration with the IEEE Student Branch and the Library and Information Center of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), are inviting you to the IEEE Xplore Seminar. It will take place at the Multimedia Amphitheater of the Central Library Building on Friday, December 1, 2023, from 15:00 to 16:30.
You can register here!
How to publish an open-access paper at the IEEE?
During this seminar, you will learn how to get published with the IEEE to increase the visibility and credibility of your research. We will share tips on
- How to organize and structure a high-quality paper,
- Select an appropriate IEEE periodical or conference,
-How to publish open-access articles and finance them under the HEAL-Link agreement
-Submit your paper and use IEEE Xplore effectively to start your literature review
-Navigate IEEE’s peer review and submission processes
- Discuss some of the top reasons papers get rejected.
After attending the seminar, all registered participants will receive an IEEE Attendance Certificate via email from IEEE.
Pizza and refreshments will be provided to participants.