Brief Biography
Paul P. Sotiriadis, Fellow IEEE, Fellow AAIA, is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, the Director of the Electronics Laboratory of the NTUA and a governing board member of the Hellenic (National) Space Center of Greece.
He runs a team of 25 researchers. He received the Diploma degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the NTUA in 1994 with the highest ever GPA, the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, USA in 1996 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, in 2002. In 2002, he joined the faculty of the Johns Hopkins University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and in 2012 he joined the faculty of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the NTUA. He has authored and coauthored more than 200 research publications, most of them in IEEE journals and conferences, holds one patent, and has contributed several chapters to technical books.
Prof. Sotiriadis research interests include the design, optimization, and mathematical modeling of Analog, mixed-signal and RF integrated and discrete circuits, sensor and instrumentation architectures with emphasis in biomedical instrumentation, advanced RF frequency synthesis, and, the application of Machine Learning and general AI in the operation as well as the design of electronic circuits.
He has received several awards, including the prestigious Guillemin-Cauer Award from the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society in 2012, Best Paper Award in the IEEE International Symp. on Circuits and Systems 2007, Best Paper Award in the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium 2012, Best Paper Award in the IEEE International Conf. on Modern Circ. and Sys. Tech. 2019, Best Paper Award in the IEEE International Conf. on Microelectronics (ICM), 2020, Best Paper Award in the IEEE International Conf. on Microelectronics (ICM), 2021, Best Paper Award in the IEEE Symposium on Integr. Circ. and Sys. Design (SBCCI), 2021, Best Paper Award, 1st International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Multidisciplinary Applications, 2023 and the IΕΕΕ Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) Outstanding Technical Committee Recognition 2022. Also, he has been in the list of the top 2% most influential researchers in the world in 2020, 2022 and 2023
Dr. Sotiriadis is a member of the IEEE 2023 CAS Fellows Evaluation Committee (FEC), an Associate Editor of the IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems for 2024-2025, Associate Editor of the IEEE Sensors Journal, has served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems – I (2016-2020) and the IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems – II (2005-2010) and has been a member of technical committees of many conferences. He regularly reviews for many IEEE transactions and conferences and serves on proposal review panels.
Research Interests
Circuits and Systems • Signal Processing • Solid-State Circuits • Industry Applications • Microwave Theory and Techniques • Instrumentation and Measurement • Communication and RF • Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits • Integrated Circuits
- Electronics I (Undergraduate - 4th Semester)
- Electronics III (Undergraduate - 7th Semester)
- Design of Analog Microelectronic Circuits (Undergraduate - 8th Semester)
- Advanced Topics in Electronics (Graduate - Fall Semester)