Introduction to Electric Energy Systems


Description of electric power systems and components. Review of three phase circuit theory. Magnetic fields and circuits. Transformers: principles of operation, equivalent circuit. Power system representation: single-line diagram, single-phase equivalent, per unit system. Electromechanical energy conversion: equations of force and torque, energy and coenergy, voltage equations, two-phase synchronous machine. Principles and characteristics of alternating current machines, pulsating and rotating magnetic field, pole number and synchronous speed. Synchronous machines: steady state equivalent circuit and vector diagram, torque angle and power transfer relations, excitation current and EMF, operating modes. Asynchronous machines: equivalent circuits, torque-speed characteristic, motor/generator operation, effect of rotor resistance, star/delta connection. Load flow: statement of the problem and fundamental equations, bus types, application of the Gauss-Seidel method.