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ECE NTUA @ ActInSpace 2018: Warm-up event

The goal of the event was to assist potential ActInSpace candidates by explaining the concept of the contest, the challenges, as well as to give the opportunity for potential contestants to create strong interdisciplinary teams.

21st May, 2018

ECE NTUA @ the 1st NTUA Blitz Chess Arena

On Wednesday, May 2nd, 2018 the NTUA Central Library hosted the 1st NTUA Blitz Chess Arena. The tournament was an experimental adaptation of the online Blitz Arena in the real world, for the first time.

7th May, 2018

ECE NTUA at the ASF 2018

The School of ECE of the NTUA had the pleasure to participate in the ASF 2018 and the chance to communicate and present research activities, aiming to inspire young students.

3rd May, 2018

ECE NTUA @ CanSat in Greece

In April 2018, the second CanSat in Greece space competition was organized with the support of the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens.

2nd May, 2018